276 Mosfellsbær
+354 5105900

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Hvammsvik Hot Springs

Thank you for choosing Hvammsvik Hot Springs. Your privacy is a priority for us, and we are dedicated to ensuring the security and confidentiality of your information. This Privacy Policy outlines the details of how we collect, use, and safeguard your personal information.

1. Hvammsvik Hot Springs

This Privacy Policy applies to Hvammsvik Hot Springs, Hvammsvík Sjóböð ehf, a company registered in Iceland under the ID number 5712200590 with its main office located at Hvammsvík, 276 Mosfellsbær. In this policy, “we” refers to Hvammsvik Hot Springs, and it addresses the collection and processing of personal information concerning guests, customers, potential customers, and website visitors. As a data controller, Hvammsvik Hot Springs is committed to maintaining the privacy of your data.

2. Information Collection and Purposes

We collect various types of personal information to enhance our services and products. The information may include:

Identification and contact information (e.g., name, date of birth, ID number, email address).
Booking and stay details.
Payment information (credit card number, expiration date, CVC code).
Accommodation and meal preferences, travel arrangements.
Photos (if requested).
Health requirements or additional assistance information (if provided by you).
Booking history, communication, and correspondence.
Customer feedback or complaints.
We use this information for purposes such as processing bookings, personalizing stays, improving services, providing updates, and responding to inquiries. Some processing is based on contractual requirements, consent, legitimate interests, or legal obligations. For example, health information and photos require your consent.

3. Online Shop

When using our Icelandic online shop, we collect information for processing orders. This includes identification and contact information, payment details, shipping preferences, and purchase history. The processing is based on contractual requirements, consent, or legal obligations.

4. Inquiries

Members of the Hvammsvik Hot Springs Club, “Friends of Hvammsvik” may receive newsletters and promotional materials based on their consent. Inquiries, requests, complaints, or feedback are processed with your consent or based on legitimate interests.

5. Analysis and Market Research

Pseudonymized or anonymized information may be used for analysis and market research, aligning with our legitimate interests in improving services and products.

6. Website Usage

Our website uses cookies and tools like Google Analytics for analysis and tailored content. You can manage cookie preferences, and details are provided in our Cookie Policy.

7. Data Preservation and Sharing

Your personal information is retained as needed for its original purpose or legal compliance. We share data with data processors, third parties, and within the Hvammsvik Hot Springs group, ensuring confidentiality. Your information may be disclosed when required by law, court orders, or for legal rights protection.

8. Security Measures

We prioritize the security of your information. Payment transactions are securely handled, our website uses SSL certificates, and personal data is managed by compliant data processors. In case of a breach, we promptly notify the relevant authorities and you, if necessary.

9. Your Rights

You have rights to access, correct, restrict processing, object, and request erasure or data transfer. Consent withdrawal is applicable where processing is based on consent. For requests or questions, contact us at info@hvammsvik.com.

10. Minors

We do not intentionally collect information from minors under 13. If provided, please contact us for prompt removal.

11. Privacy Policy Amendments

This policy may be updated to reflect changes in data processing. Changes are effective immediately and applicable to new bookings, purchases, inquiries, and website visits.

12. Complaints

If you disagree with our data processing, you can lodge a complaint with the Icelandic Data Protection Authority or the relevant authority in your EEA member state.

Effective Date: 1st of March 2024

How to find us


276 Mosfellsbær, Iceland

Hot Springs